My favorite TV show- Supernatural. I am completely in love with Jensen Ackles, but who isn't? He's got those very kissable lips, the gorgeous eyes, and he looks great lip-syncing Eye of the Tiger. Jared is cute too, but he's not Jensen.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
I was ready to throw coffee urns at heads tonight. Wow, busy. On the PA system, they let the customers know we were closing in twenty minutes, then ten minutes, then, "It is now nine p.m. and the store is officially closed for the evening. We ask that you bring your final purchases to the front for checkout. Thank you for shopping with us, and have a nice night."
Ten minutes before we closed, I suddenly get a huge line of people, everyone wanting coffee, which, come on, I don't have coffee made. By this time, I usually have hot water in the urn to soak overnight, but I had to make a pot of coffee. And everyone wanted fappuccinnos. A lady asked, five minutes before we closed, if we had any smoothies.
"No." I told her. I was not about to say the Vivanno. Hell no! That thing takes ten minutes to make and is very messy and I still had another customer behind her to help. No way was I making this satanic drink.
Then, twenty minutes after we closed, I hear on the PA system, "Catherine, we're clear." Tim, our new manager said this. He was letting Catherine know we were clear of customers and the doors were locked.
"Thank God," she replied on the overhead. I laughed. How could I not? Do these people not pay any attention to the sign on the door that has the hours on it? Do they not care that we still have to stick around and clean everything after they leave and we're tired and ready to drop by this point? Do they not hear the three announcements we make to let them know, to give them advance warning?
I hate people.
Whenever me and my sisters are out shopping, we pay attention to store hours. If we forget what time a place closes, when we hear the announcement, we make a beeline for the register or the doors. We were closed and I saw people browsing the magazine like they had all day to read the latest gossip. Seriously? What part of "We are closed" don't you understand?
Grrrrr......(growling and shaking my head in frustration.)
Anyway, just a bad night. And I work again tomorrow at Noon. At least I am not opening or closing, my favorite shift. Show up, make drinks, go home. No stressing that everythings not going to be done for open. Not stressing about having everything done for close and ready for open. Just coffee making. Plus I work with Megan all morning, she's fun to work with, and Devin in the evening. I haven't seen Devin in a while. He only works a few nights a week, usually a saturday and I haven't been working saturdays lately. Which is fine, cause church is Saturday nights for me. Which means I'm missing it tomorrow, but I agreed to switch shifts with Sarah before I realized it. Oh, well.
Do I have a problem? Yesterday I bought two books. Blue is for Nightmares and White is for Magic. Tonight, I got a five dollar tip from Pat, so I think, Hey, I have enough for that other book I want...And since I was having a bad night, I bought it. Three books in two days. Do I have money for this? No, but that doesn't stop me. I bought Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. And I didn't just buy it, I started reading it. I'm never going to learn. Laugh out loud, add this to my list of books I am currantly reading. I'm never going to finish a complete book again, am I?
Did you know that Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister is a movie? Yeah, Stockard Channing, Matthew Goode (who is absolutely gorgeous and has a sexy accent) and a few others I know by face but not name. It's a really good movie, I watched the whole thing on Check it out.
Well, I'm off to clean off my bed since I threw clean laundry there this morning. Then, I'm reading. I should read Nanny Diaries since I'm really close to finishing it, but I have a feeling it's going to be Uglies or Blue is for Nightmares.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Trash and Books
This song is the one stuck in my head lately. It's amazing.
I recently found my Fashion Bug credit card, so I bought a new outfit for work. Really needed new work clothes. Nice black pants, kind of dressy shirt with large black buttons and a sort of pocket in front. Very chic. A little see through, so I wore a red tank top under it. But the red tank showed above the neckline of the shirt a bit. Just great. But then I looked in the mirror and decided the hint of red above all the black looked nice. I pulled half my hair back into a clip, keeping it parted on the right like it usually is, and I put on my large red earrings. I have to admit, it looked all looked pretty good. I hardly ever wear make-up, and when I do it's only some mascara and lip gloss. So I put some on.
I was sitting there yesterday at the morning meeting feeling kind of awkward. The sleeves of the new shirt are shorter than I feel comfortable wearing. I am going to fix that, though. Get some material from a fabric store and add longer sleeves. I love altering clothes. Anyway, at the meeting I felt everyone kept staring. After the meeting, a couple emplyees came up for their usual morning scones and drinks.
"What are you all dolled up for?" Knez asked me.
"You look really nice," Matt told me.
"I like your earrings," said Christina.
Wow, I didn't want all this attention, I'm just tired of wearing plain t'shirts and polos. . .
And, by now, I should expect things like this, but nobody has been putting trash liners in the large bins at work. At the bottom of the bins was about two inches of soupy gunk. Gross, smelly, awful. I scrubbed them out one at a time. Christina, bless her heart, ran cafe so I could scrub them in the kitchen. A few blogs ago I posted a picture of the kitchen at work, and there is a gray trash can in it. I scrubbed two of those. In my new outfit. Two bins more than half my height. They were heavy. I couldn't reach the bottom without sticking half my body in them. So, to save my new shirt, I put on my hoodie and wore a trash bag over it. Christina helped me. I cut a hole for my head, too big. I put it on, she cut out arm holes and used a Horton Hears A Who button to pin it behind my neck cause it was too big. I put my hood on to protect my hair, and scrubbed. It was not fun. Half my body in a smelly trash bin, it was hot, awkward, and I wanted to vomit from the stench. I left a note for all to see:
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today was very busy for me. Got up early and went all over the place trying to find really cheap insurance for my car. Tried to get Missouri plates, but naturally the woman at the Chamber of Commerce is sending us on some wild goose chase before I can do that. Notice how when it comes to legalizing your car you seem to run around in circles? What is that? Also, I now have a Missouri driver's license. Yay. The picture sucks. But of course. I was way tired, so I ended up looking like I was on drugs or something. Whatever.
The house was packed for a while. Family dinner. Me and two sisters. Brother-in-law, soon-to-be brother-in-law. Dad. Brother-in-law's mom and sister and niece. Two dogs and a cat. Not nearly as crowded as it could have been. Living in Washington state, those family gatherings....well, you couldn't turn around without knocking someone over. I have five siblings, my mom had ten. I have more uncles and aunts and cousins than I can count. I have more than fourty cousins. This all on my mom's side, too. My dad's family isn't so big. Most of his family I have never met. But mom's family, we're a wild bunch.
Finally, though, everyone left. I was starting to get really annoyed. Only Carrie, Ray, Erin, Shane, and dad left, but it was loud. I was sitting here trying to conentrate on what I was working on and I have Erin behind me screaming, squealing, laughing loudly as they play around, her and shane. My sister has a very loud voice. Starting to irritate me. Now everyone is gone. Carrie and Ray left to take Dad grocery shopping and take them all home. I'm here alone with the quiet. Nice. I forget how nice peace and quiet is when Carrie is home from the road. Her husband is an over-the-road truck driver. She's home for feb. but will go with him in march.
I love the solitude, but sometimes I do really miss human contact.
I'm really missing my family in Washington. The kids are all getting bigger. My brother's two kids. Little Autumn isn't a baby anymore. She has teeth and walks and talks. She wasn't supposed to grow up without me!
But they do. Way too fast. My best friend, Sami, might be pregnant. We are all keeping our fingers crossed that she is. We really want a baby around to spoil. I go nuts. When I was living with my brother and watching the kids all the time for him and his wife, I was constantly buying little outfits for Autumn. I love baby clothes. I even have a few cute outfits for when I someday have kids. Crazy? Maybe, but I have always wanted kids. They've always been a part of my life, all my younger cousins and siblings growing up. Naturally, I'll be Sami's baby's godmother, babysitter, aunt, etc...
It's been a long day. Enough rambling, I'm going to go do something more constructive. Maybe clean my room...or just finish the movie I started earlier when I went to my room to avoid the chaos of a little while ago.