So many people have shot down the movie Paranormal Activity. Why? I have no idea. Lots say it was boring, not scary and all kinds of dumb things.
Scared the shit out of me. It would scare the shit out of anyone whose seen this kind of thing first hand. There may be no bodies buried in the walls (Haunting in conneticut). There may not be a little girl getting sucked into a TV set (Poltergeist). But let me tell you, if you set up a camera in your bedroom at night while you sleep and that stuff started happening to you, you wouldn't think this movie so laughable then, would ya?? Would ya, punk?? All the hype about dumb movies such as Haunting in Conneticut, Chainsaw Massacre, it's so obviously made up by someone on crack. Though, maybe Haunting in Conneticut is based on real events, the movie is mostly false, if not, all false. While Paranormal Activity is fake, the events that happen are very believeable. They are not over the top Hollywood, they are things I see here at my friend's house everyday. Doors opening by themselves, scary photos our paranormal investigators have taken that I will post as soon as I get copies of them. Not to mention all the EVP we've gotten. We actually got backwards EVP, something I've only ever seen in movies. We seriously thought it was a different language. One of the investigators told us to download audacity. We did. With that you can enhance voice recordings, reverse the recordings, cut out background noises. We reversed what we thought was not english at all. Well, English plain as day. "Look, honey, it's here."
Messed up right??
That's all folks.