Facebook Judy Ply: "does wtf stand for what the f---k?"
My mom had to ask. Lol, she at least got it right.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Ghosts on Saturday
The investigators came on saturday. We investigated from seven p.m. until six-thirty a.m. The usual happened, doors opening by themselves, weird noises and movements, cold spots, sudden headaches that are there one minute and gone the next, an odd feeling of pressure, like something just weighing down on us. One of the investigators got sick. They got lots of orbs, and not just white ones like we'd been getting. A red one, green, some caught while moving so they looked like they had a tail. Sean, one investigator, just got a four hundred dollar phone which had two flashes for the camera so it could take 18 pics in a row without stopping. So while one flash was charging, the other was in use. He got the most pics. They got a hundred of photos with stuff going on. Once during the night, my friend Sami felt very crowded. She started yelling at at everyone to back up. Sean snapped some pics. In them, her face got blurry, and what appears to be a skull looks like it is going through her. Also, in one of the photos is some odd figure next to her, reaching out to her, I think. The EMF readers were insane. They said it wasn't normal for them to be at a seven and in one spot for so long. Like the entity wasn't moving at all. Just kept still in one spot for a half hour. Our electricity was shut off, so it made no sense to be getting such a response from the EMF. Also, a bottle of southern comfort jumped off the fridge. It didn't break, but the cap came off and shot down the hallway. Then, later after two investigators left, Sami's son found a cell phone in the freezer. WTF? Earlier, we'd split into two groups. Sami, her son, and two investigators went outside and into the cellar. Me, and three investigators stayed in the house. We were all going around, shouting for the coward to do something, show itself...We had voice recorders, EMF readers, digital cameras, video cameras...My group was at the end of the hall by the bathroom when we heard a door from the kitchen. We checked the kitchen and the living room. Nothing was different. Both doors were closed as we had left them...When Sam's son found the phone, we realized it was the freezer door we'd heard. The investigators had never run into a case like this. It is insane. Today, nothing has happened yet, except an unexplained rush of cold air hit me. Came from nowhere. And a few things fell to the floor without a cause. Nothing else yet, but it is only 2:37. Things usually start here at about 3 pm...We'll see. I wish I had some of the photos Sean got, but I don't. He will make us copies. I'll post them when I can. We are actually planning to go see them in Illinois this weekend since I have both days off, which is very rare. We are driving there, checking out the evidence they got, and visiting some of the local hauntings in their area. Can't wait. I'll let ya know what happens.
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