It has been a long time since I have blogged. The internet wasn't working, but my neighbor came over and fixed it. Thank God. I really miss blogging. I should be going to sleep right now because I have to get up at six to go to work, but I couldn't wait until tomorrow to write something.
Things suck lately. I have just under three months to find another place to live. How I'm going to save money in that amount of time is beyond me. I haven't been able to save anything from my last three paychecks because of my car. Cost me a lot to get that damn thing to pass the Emissions test. Needed tires, wipers, brake light fixed, etc...Then had to pay a fee for being late for something or other, had to pay for Missouri plates...Like my job pays well enough for all of this. I just make coffee. It sucks that the cost of living is way more than a person makes. I love my job, I am not quitting. I'm not getting a second job if I can help it. I have already tried that, and that's when the depression started full-force. I might have to quit my job and move back to Arkansas if I can't find a place to live.
Well, now that I am sitting here, I have no clue what to write. Hmmm....I had a customer today who was something else. She asked about some caramel drink Starbucks makes, then said she meant Cinn. Dolce. Yes, we make that drink. She ordered a tall. I pulled the twelve ounce cup up onto the counter and she changed her mind.
"It's not much more for a grande is it? I would rather have a grande."
I told her ok, no problem. I start to head for the phone to call a manager over to change it, then decide whatever, a few more ounces of milk, a couple dimes, who cares. Besides, there were two guys behind her in line. So I made her a grande. I added the whip, grabbed a lid...
"Oh, I should have ordered decaf!" she exclaimed.
I smile. "I can make you a new one," I told her while inside I'm screaming, "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!" She really had no clue what she wanted. So I ended up at the phone anyway, calling for back up. I didn't want to make the two other customers wait for me to make her a new drink because she couldn't possibly handle two little shots of caffine. Why bother buying an espresso drink if you want decaf? So dumb. That's why we call those the "Why bother," drinks, or--my favortie--"What's the point," drinks. Really!
So I made her her grande, three shots of cinn. dolce syrup, decafe latte. Then I hand it to her and she asked me, "Does this have caramel in it?"
Seriously? A very confused woman. I just smiled at her the whole time and prayed she would leave soon.
Oh, yeah. Here's a fun one. Guy walks up to the counter, buys a soda. I have trouble understanding him through his heavy accent. I have no clue where he is from, but a thick accent he did have. He talks, pays for his drink, then stands there talking some more. I'm wondering why he's still talking to me, I want to go open the Manga I was deeply into before he showed up.
"I'm Chris," he says. Yay, I understood what he said, but why is he telling me this?
"I'm Laura," I say, a bit confused. (By the way, my real name is Laura. I changed it to Charlie because I like Charlie better. You only live once.)
"I wanted to ask you out," he says.
My eyebrows disappear under my bangs, and my mouth drops open. "What?"
"I wanted to ask you out," he repeats.
"I don't date." My face had to have been showing all the shock I was feeling. Why was he asking me out? "Thanks though."
He left cafe pretty quickly after that. I'm twenty-three years old, and that is the first time anyone has ever asked me out. Well, except for my friend asking me to take him to junior prom because he was an idiot and dropped out of school. I was completely flabbergasted. Who does that? Stop in a cafe for a drink then ask the barista out? Really? I'm not going to say yes, I have no idea who he was. My sister told me that I wouldn't know who he is until I go out with him. That's not how it works with me. If I ever go on a date, I have to know the person a bit first. No random strangers who could be serial killers. Thanks, but no thanks.
A friend of mine, a regular at Barnes and Noble, went on a date recently. So we were talking about dating. I was trying to give him ideas about where he could take her next becuase he said he didn't know. My suggestions were: roller skating (a few friends and I were supposed to go, but didn't get around to it.) paint gun fights, zoo, shopping...a gave him a whole list. Maybe I'm weird, he thinks I am. I said I didn't like all that traditional dating crap. You know, candlelight, dinner, movies, blah blah blah, bore me to tears. I think it's more romantic to sky dive, or go sailing. Like the first kiss. Not on the doorstep of her place. Please, way too cliche for me. I think it's much better if it's spontaneous. You're out somewhere, maybe laughing over an ice cream cone as you're walking down the street at one of those street fair things. He looks over at you, and he can't help it. He grabs your face and kisses you. No questions, just go for it. Surprise! I just felt like it kinda think. Somehow, I don't know. It's just prettier that way.
Any way. Really time to get going. I have to shower, put my clothes in the dryer and get to bed. Tomorrow is going to suck. Crema. Inspection. Gross. Of course it's me working while this is happening. So that means lots of announcments, some sampling, and constant business. I can't sit there with the 11th Chibi Vampire or open a copy of Absolute Boyfriend. I have to stay busy, professional. ( A friend of mine got me hooked on Manga and Anime. I love the Japanese.)