Today was very busy for me. Got up early and went all over the place trying to find really cheap insurance for my car. Tried to get Missouri plates, but naturally the woman at the Chamber of Commerce is sending us on some wild goose chase before I can do that. Notice how when it comes to legalizing your car you seem to run around in circles? What is that? Also, I now have a Missouri driver's license. Yay. The picture sucks. But of course. I was way tired, so I ended up looking like I was on drugs or something. Whatever.
The house was packed for a while. Family dinner. Me and two sisters. Brother-in-law, soon-to-be brother-in-law. Dad. Brother-in-law's mom and sister and niece. Two dogs and a cat. Not nearly as crowded as it could have been. Living in Washington state, those family gatherings....well, you couldn't turn around without knocking someone over. I have five siblings, my mom had ten. I have more uncles and aunts and cousins than I can count. I have more than fourty cousins. This all on my mom's side, too. My dad's family isn't so big. Most of his family I have never met. But mom's family, we're a wild bunch.
Finally, though, everyone left. I was starting to get really annoyed. Only Carrie, Ray, Erin, Shane, and dad left, but it was loud. I was sitting here trying to conentrate on what I was working on and I have Erin behind me screaming, squealing, laughing loudly as they play around, her and shane. My sister has a very loud voice. Starting to irritate me. Now everyone is gone. Carrie and Ray left to take Dad grocery shopping and take them all home. I'm here alone with the quiet. Nice. I forget how nice peace and quiet is when Carrie is home from the road. Her husband is an over-the-road truck driver. She's home for feb. but will go with him in march.
I love the solitude, but sometimes I do really miss human contact.
I'm really missing my family in Washington. The kids are all getting bigger. My brother's two kids. Little Autumn isn't a baby anymore. She has teeth and walks and talks. She wasn't supposed to grow up without me!
But they do. Way too fast. My best friend, Sami, might be pregnant. We are all keeping our fingers crossed that she is. We really want a baby around to spoil. I go nuts. When I was living with my brother and watching the kids all the time for him and his wife, I was constantly buying little outfits for Autumn. I love baby clothes. I even have a few cute outfits for when I someday have kids. Crazy? Maybe, but I have always wanted kids. They've always been a part of my life, all my younger cousins and siblings growing up. Naturally, I'll be Sami's baby's godmother, babysitter, aunt, etc...
It's been a long day. Enough rambling, I'm going to go do something more constructive. Maybe clean my room...or just finish the movie I started earlier when I went to my room to avoid the chaos of a little while ago.
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