Finally we have snow. Lots of snow. It took me an hour and a half to drive home from work in it. I left a half hour before close, which is an hour and a half before I normally would have left- the slow manager was on duty tonight. I left early because my mom kept calling my cell, calling the store, finally she called and just asked for the manager to tell him to let me go home because I kept telling her it would be fine, and I can't just leave work, there was no one to cover for me. "You'll end up in a ditch. You can't drive on ice, it's snowing and sleet." No matter how much I told her it wasnt too bad, she kept calling. Even had my friend call the store. She finally stopped calling when the manager promised I could leave sometime between eight and eight-thirty. It was really annoying. Anyway, I'm going to have to call in tomorrow. Way too much snow, no way am I driving in it again.
My sister, Erin, and her bf, Shane, are here. I went down to Arkansas Saturday to get them. I took my friend/sister Samantha or Sami James as I nicknamed her. We all stayed over at my mom's house. It felt odd being there, in the tiny town I spent more than half my life. Even more weird since mom and my stepdad, Monty, moved from the trailer they'd lived in for about ten years to go live in the house they lived in before the trailer. I hadn't been inside that house in so many years. I lived there briefly when I was nine. That was when my life fell apart, so being back in that house wasn't easy. The rooms were all smaller than I remember, but the memories flooded in, nearly drowning me. Especially when I looked into the room I had shared with my two younger sisters. And the room across the hall that had been my stepbrother's. I let Erin and Shane have our old room, choosing to sleep on one of the two couches in the front room. Sami took the other couch, and we stayed up late watching a show about hauntings. Something encounters...I think. Ghostly Encounters? She fell asleep and I watched psychic kids then went to sleep.
The next morning we had a big breakfast, then mom practically shoved us out the door, freaked because "It's going to snow and sleet and get really bad. You need to go before it gets bad. You don't need to be driving in it." We drove to Harrison, made a qucik stop at Uncommon Grounds, the coffee shop that hadn't been there when I lived there. It was very cute, and I wished I still lived in the area so I could make it a frequent hang out. Good coffee, too. Cheesecake White Chocolate Mocha. Yum, Yum. When we pulled into the parking space, I glance out my window cause a car had pulled into the space next to me.
"Guys, is it just me, or is that mom next to us?" I ask everyone.
It was mom. Erin had left her purse in mom's car, and she'd driven eighty the whole way to Harrison to try and catch us. She's too funny. So we had coffee, said our good byes again, and hit the road. I love road trips. Me and my sister, Carrie, drove here- Missouri- from Washington state when I moved here a year and a half ago. Lots of fun.
Anyway, it was really strange to be in Pyatt again. Tiny town, 253 population. It felt like a ghost town as I stood outside the house on the corner that held memories I'd tried so hard to forget. It was almost eerie, trees without leaves, breath fogging the air, complete silence as I stared across the street at the old buildings that were no longer in use. Except I believe one was turned into an apartment. I had glanced around at my surroundings, shuddered, then went inside the house.
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