I am a barista at Barnes and Noble. There is no better place to work, unless you work at home, of course. I'm surrounded all day by books and coffee, two of my favorite things. Needless to say, a large portion of the money I am making goes right back to the company.
My favorite drink (it changes sometimes) above all is the Venti Double Shot On Ice. Five shots of espresso. Sometimes I get a sixth shot. But I change the recepie a bit, thanks to two of my customers who came up with this wonderfully, delightful drink. I substitute the classic syrup with vanilla, add vanilla bean powder. Half and half instead of 2% and we add Whip. It's amazing, and every espresso lover on this earth should try it. I'm warning you, I am probably the only person who makes it just right. lol.
Banana Chocolate Vivannos are back. They suck. Taste okay, but are really a pain to make. Me and every other barista cringe when it is ordered. Frozen banans seriously take about five minutes to blend, and the protein and ice and chocolate hasn't even been added to the blender yet. This is the drink where you finish making it to turn around and discover your line of customers has grown five car lenghts long in the time it takes to make this thing. Whoever invented it....yeah, well your on my list.
Everyone should read Gone by Michael Grant. You'll find this in the Teen section. It is a wonderful story, and there will probably be more to come. It sort of just ends, so, yeah, another book would be great. Read it, you wont regret it.
Lately the only song I want to listen to is "Your Beautiful" by James Blunt. I keep it on repeat on my itunes. I can't seem to listen to anything else, but if I were to put on something different, I probably would have to put on Buckcherry. Right now, their album titled 15 is my favortie CD.
I have never blogged before, I figure it's kind of like a journal, only for the world to see if the world wishes to see. So, since most likely nobody will ever read anything I write here, I am going to write whatever comes to mind.
My sister's dog, Billy, just took a page out of my puppy's book. Lol. My puppy, Kenni, knows absolutely nothing about personal space. She loves to be right on top of you, right in the middle of things, always in your face, center of attention. Billy is sweet, calm, and mostly just sits around the house. But she just now put her two front paws on my lap, really wanting attention. This is something she never does. Usually she only rests her head on your knee for attention, but apparently Kenni has been an influence to her. Kenni is the kind of dog, even though she's getting huge, that jumps right on your lap or chest, cutting off your air supply. If you've read Marley and Me by John Grogan, you sort of have an idea how Kenni is. Lol, she isn't that extreme, but very close. She enjoys cords to TV's, DVD players, surround sound systems, and patches of carpet for dessert. And lets not forget the chewed handles on my dresser, the destroyed CDs and, typical of most dogs, shoes. She also, naturally, has a thing for coffee and chocolate. I could not have found a dog more suited to me if I tried. She once downed a tall double chocolate chip frappuccino by herself. I was on my bed reading when she jumps in my face and starts licking my cheeks, just as hyper and excited as can be. Instead of fish breath, i smelled the chocolate and cream base mix. I knew what she'd done. In the living room, the cup was on the floor, shiney like new, and there were smudges on the glass coffee table. I have not learned my lesson because sometimes I forget and leave my coffee in my car when I stop for gas, and it is gone when I climb back in the car (She goes with me everywhere. Her and Billy.) As if she's not charged enough, she tends to drink way too much coffee. I feel really bad about this, but I have started keeping her in a kennel while I am at work. I got tired of coming home after a long day to trash scattered across the house. Plus, she chewed her last hole in the carpet that I cannot afford to replace, in a house that is not mine. Thanks Kenni Chesney. But I love her. The first few days of her confinment while mom is away were heartbreaking. I didn't want to yell at her to get in the cage, I wanted her to know she wasn't in trouble. That's all I need, her thinking the kennel means punishment. So, gently I would coax her to my side and as gently and nicely as I could, I would shove her into the cage. At first, she was so scared that she'd pee on the kitchen floor as I was pushing her from behind. Then, when I let her out when I got home, she would be so excited to see me and to be free, she'd pee some more. My poor baby. (She pees when she's very excited.) But now, thank God, I open the kennel door and say, "Come on, Kenni," and she goes in without a fuss. Looks at me like she's saying, "Do I really have to?" but she goes in on her own. And there's no more piddle puddles to clean up either. I love this dog.
Well, that is more than enough blogging for one night. Until next time...
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